οὐροδόχιον: Revision history
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έγ', ὦ ταλαίπωρ', αὐτὸς ὧν χρείᾳ πάρει. τὰ πολλὰ γάρ τοι ῥήματ' ἢ τέρψαντά τι, ἢ δυσχεράναντ', ἢ κατοικτίσαντά πως, παρέσχε φωνὴν τοῖς ἀφωνήτοις τινά → Wretched brother, tell him what you need. A multitude of words can be pleasurable, burdensome, or they can arouse pity somehow — they give a kind of voice to the voiceless | Tell him yourself, poor brother, what it is you need! For abundance of words, bringing delight or being full of annoyance or pity, can sometimes lend a voice to those who are speechless.
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