melleus: Difference between revisions

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οὔτ' ἐν φθιμένοις οὔτ' ἐν ζωοῖσιν ἀριθμουμένη, χωρὶς δή τινα τῶνδ' ἔχουσα μοῖραν → neither among the dead nor the living do I count myself, having a lot apart from these

m (Text replacement - "post-class" to "post-class")
m (Text replacement - ":: ([\w\s'-]+)([,;]) ([\w\s'-]+) }}" to ":: $1$2 $3 }}")
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|lnetxt=melleus mellea, melleum ADJ :: honey-; of honey
|lnetxt=melleus mellea, melleum ADJ :: [[honey-]]; [[of honey]]

Revision as of 14:00, 14 May 2024

Latin > English

melleus mellea, melleum ADJ :: honey-; of honey

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

mellĕus: a, um, adj. mel,
I of or belonging to honey, honey- (post-Aug.).
I Lit.: sapor, Plin. 15, 14, 15, § 51: color, id. 11, 16, 16, § 48: sardonyches, id. 37, 6, 23, § 89: sucus, id. 36, 19, 33, § 140: crustum, Aus. Eph. Parecb. 12.—
II Transf., honeysweet, delightful, charming (post-class.): moduli, App. M. 6, p. 175, 31: adulatio, Aus. Ep. 18 fin.>

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mellĕus, a, um (mel), de miel : Plin. 14, 51 ; 36, 140 || [fig.] doux, suave : Aus. Ep. 18 ; Apul. M. 6, 6.

Latin > German (Georges)

melleus, a, um (mel), I) aus Honig, crustum, Auson. ephem. parecb. 12. p. 4 Schenkl: corpus, Chalcid. Tim. 227. – II) übtr., wi Honig, honigartig, sapor, Plin.: color, Plin. – bildl., honigsüß, lieblich, moduli, Apul.: eloquium, Auson.: modo intellego, quae mellea res sit oratio, Auson.