cibus: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

Ἔπαινον ἕξεις, ἂν κρατῇς, ὧν δεῖ κρατεῖν → Laus est, si, quibus est imperandum, tu imperes → Lob hast du, wenn du herrschst, worüber zu herrschen gilt

Menander, Monostichoi, 139
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|lnetxt=cibus cibi N M :: food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait
|lshtext=<b>cĭbus</b>: i, m. perh. [[root]] of [[capio]],<br /><b>I</b> [[food]] for [[man]] and [[beast]], [[victuals]], [[fare]], [[nutriment]], [[fodder]] ([[class]]. in [[prose]] and [[poetry]], [[both]] in <[[number]] opt="n">[[sing]].</[[number]]> and plur.; syn.: [[esca]], [[epulae]]; opp. [[potio]], Cic. Fin. 1, 11, 37; cf. id. N. D. 2, 54, 136; so, [[cibus]] potusque, Tac. A. 13, 16: [[cibus]] et [[vinum]], Cic. Div. 1, 29, 60; Juv. 10, 203: [[unda]] cibusque, Ov. M. 4, 262): cibum capere, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 60; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 77: petere, id. ib. 3, 2, 38; id. Heaut. 5, 2, 25: capessere (of animals), Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 122: sumere, Nep. Att. 21, 6; Plin. 30, 5, 12, § 36: [[tantum]] cibi et potionis adhibendum, etc., Cic. Sen. 11, 36: digerere, Quint. 11, 2, 35; cf. id. 11, 3, 19: coquere, Varr. R. R. 2, 10, 7: concoquere, Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 64: mandere, id. N. D. 2, 54, 134: cibos suppeditare, id. Leg. 2, 27, 67: ([[Cleanthes]]) negat ullum esse cibum tam gravem, [[quin]] is [[die]] et nocte concoquatur, id. N. D. 2, 9, 24; cf.: suavissimus et [[idem]] facillimus ad concoquendum, id. Fin. 2, 20, 64: flentes orabant, ut se [[cibo]] juvarent, Caes. B. G. 7, 78 fin.: [[cibus]] [[animalis]], the [[means]] of [[nourishment]] in the [[air]], Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 136: cibi bubuli, Varr. R. R. 2, 11, 3; 1, 23, 2: [[cibus]] erat [[caro]] ferina, Sall. J. 18, 1: cum tenues hamos abdidit [[ante]] [[cibus]], the [[bait]], Tib. 2, 6, 24; Ov. M. 8, 856; 15, 476.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Transf. to the [[nourishment]] of plants, the nutritive [[juice]], Lucr. 1, 353; Plin. 17, 2, 2, § 12.—<br /><b>II</b> Trop., [[food]], [[sustenance]] ([[rare]]): [[quasi]] [[quidam]] humanitatis [[cibus]], Cic. Fin. 5, 19, 54: [[cibus]] furoris, Ov. M. 6, 480: [[causa]] cibusque mali, id. R. Am. 138.
|lshtext=<b>cĭbus</b>: i, m. perh. [[root]] of [[capio]],<br /><b>I</b> [[food]] for [[man]] and [[beast]], [[victuals]], [[fare]], [[nutriment]], [[fodder]] ([[class]]. in [[prose]] and [[poetry]], [[both]] in sing. and plur.; syn.: [[esca]], [[epulae]]; opp. [[potio]], Cic. Fin. 1, 11, 37; cf. id. N. D. 2, 54, 136; so, [[cibus]] potusque, Tac. A. 13, 16: [[cibus]] et [[vinum]], Cic. Div. 1, 29, 60; Juv. 10, 203: [[unda]] cibusque, Ov. M. 4, 262): cibum capere, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 60; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 77: petere, id. ib. 3, 2, 38; id. Heaut. 5, 2, 25: capessere (of animals), Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 122: sumere, Nep. Att. 21, 6; Plin. 30, 5, 12, § 36: [[tantum]] cibi et potionis adhibendum, etc., Cic. Sen. 11, 36: digerere, Quint. 11, 2, 35; cf. id. 11, 3, 19: coquere, Varr. R. R. 2, 10, 7: concoquere, Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 64: mandere, id. N. D. 2, 54, 134: cibos suppeditare, id. Leg. 2, 27, 67: ([[Cleanthes]]) negat ullum esse cibum tam gravem, [[quin]] is [[die]] et nocte concoquatur, id. N. D. 2, 9, 24; cf.: suavissimus et [[idem]] facillimus ad concoquendum, id. Fin. 2, 20, 64: flentes orabant, ut se [[cibo]] juvarent, Caes. B. G. 7, 78 fin.: [[cibus]] [[animalis]], the [[means]] of [[nourishment]] in the [[air]], Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 136: cibi bubuli, Varr. R. R. 2, 11, 3; 1, 23, 2: [[cibus]] erat [[caro]] ferina, Sall. J. 18, 1: cum tenues hamos abdidit [[ante]] [[cibus]], the [[bait]], Tib. 2, 6, 24; Ov. M. 8, 856; 15, 476.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Transf. to the [[nourishment]] of plants, the nutritive [[juice]], Lucr. 1, 353; Plin. 17, 2, 2, § 12.—<br /><b>II</b> Trop., [[food]], [[sustenance]] ([[rare]]): [[quasi]] [[quidam]] humanitatis [[cibus]], Cic. Fin. 5, 19, 54: [[cibus]] furoris, Ov. M. 6, 480: [[causa]] cibusque mali, id. R. Am. 138.
|gf=(1) <b>cĭbus</b>,⁸ ī, m.,<br /><b>1</b> nourriture, aliment [de l’homme, des animaux ou des plantes], mets, repas : [[cibus]] [[gravis]] Cic. Nat. 2, 24, aliment [[indigeste]] ; [[cibus]] facillimus ad concoquendum Cic. Tusc. 2, 64, aliment très [[facile]] à digérer ; [[plurimi]] cibi [[esse]] Suet. [[Galba]] 22, être gros mangeur, cf. Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 4 ; maximi cibi [[esse]] [[Varro]] R. 2, 11, être très nourrissant ; abstinere se [[cibo]] Nep. Att. 22, 3, s’abstenir de manger ; [[cibus]] arborum [[imber]] Plin. 17, 12, la pluie [[est]] la nourriture des arbres &#124;&#124; [fig.] aliment, nourriture : [[omnia]] [[pro]] [[cibo]] furoris accipit Ov. M. 6, 480, tout sert d’aliment à sa fureur &#124;&#124; pl. cibi = espèces de nourriture : Cic. Nat. 2, 146<br /><b>2</b> suc des aliments, sève : Cic. Nat. 2, 137 ; [[cibus]] [[per]] ramos diffunditur Lucr. 1, 352, la sève se [[diffuse]] dans les rameaux<br /><b>3</b> appât : cum hamos abdidit [[ante]] [[cibus]] Tib. 2, 6, 24, quand l’appât cache l’hameçon.<br />(2) <b>cĭbŭs</b>, ūs, m., arch., Prisc. Gramm. 6, 73, c. le précédent.||[fig.] aliment, nourriture : [[omnia]] [[pro]] [[cibo]] furoris accipit Ov. M. 6, 480, tout sert d’aliment à sa fureur|
|pl. cibi=espèces de nourriture : Cic. Nat. 2, 146<br /><b>2</b> suc des aliments, sève : Cic. Nat. 2, 137 ; [[cibus]] [[per]] ramos diffunditur Lucr. 1, 352, la sève se [[diffuse]] dans les rameaux<br /><b>3</b> appât : cum hamos abdidit [[ante]] [[cibus]] Tib. 2, 6, 24, quand l’appât cache l’hameçon.<br />(2) <b>cĭbŭs</b>, ūs, m., arch., Prisc. Gramm. 6, 73, c. le précédent.
|georg=cibus, ī, m. (vgl. [[κίβος]]), die [[Speise]] [[für]] Menschen u. Tiere, die [[Nahrung]], [[Kost]], das [[Futter]], I) eig.: 1) im allg.: [[levis]], leichte, Cels.: [[levis]] et [[facilis]] (einfache), Plin. ep.: [[gravis]], Cic.: [[acer]], [[mollis]], Cels.: [[agrestis]] (Ggstz. mitiora, n. pl.), Iustin.: [[silvestris]], [[Wildbret]], Capit.: [[vespertinus]], Varr.: cibum sumere, zu [[sich]] [[nehmen]], Nep.: multis diebus [[non]] cibum sumere, Iustin.: cibum capere cum alqo, Ter.: cibum capere, Cic. ep.: cibum capere nolle (v. einem [[Hunde]]), Plin.: cibum [[non]] accipere (v. Kranken), Cels.: cibos ministrare ([[auftragen]]), Tac.: cibum subducere, Cic.: alci ([[cani]], porco) cibum obicere, Sen. u. Plin.: cibi minimi, [[plurimi]], [[gar]] kein starker [[Esser]], [[ein]] [[sehr]] starker [[Esser]], Suet.: [[non]] [[multi]] cibi hospitem accipies, [[multi]] ioci, dem es [[nicht]] um vieles [[Essen]] zu [[tun]] ist, [[wohl]] [[aber]] um viele Späße, Cic. – 2) insbes.: a) der Nahrungsstoff, [[animalis]], den die Lungen aus der [[Luft]] [[einsaugen]], Cic. de nat. deor. 2, 136: [[esse]] maioris od. maximi cibi (v. Speisen), Varr. r. r. 1, 23, 2; 2, 11, 3. – im [[Körper]], der [[von]] den Speisen [[sich]] absondernde [[Nahrungssaft]], Speisesaft, Cic. de nat. deor. 2, 137. – u. v. [[Nahrungssaft]] [[für]] die [[Pflanzen]], Lucr. 1, 352. Plin. 17, 12. – b) die Lockspeise, der [[Köder]] an der [[Angel]], [[fallax]], Ov.: cum tenues hamos abdidit [[ante]] [[cibus]], Tibull. – II) übtr., [[Nahrung]], [[quasi]] [[quidam]] humanitatis [[cibus]], Cic.: [[causa]] cibusque mali, Ov.; u. so Ov. [[met]]. 6, 480. – / Akk. Plur. [[cibus]], Fulgent. mitol. 2, 10. p. 50, 10 [[Helm]].
|lnztxt=cibus, i. m. :: [[飮食]]。[[糧食]]
Abkhaz: афа; Acholi: cam; Afrikaans: kos, voedsel; Ainu: アエㇷ゚; Akan: aduane; Albanian: ushqim; Ambonese Malay: makanan; Amharic: ምግብ, መብል; Arabic: طَعَام‎; Egyptian Arabic: اكل‎; Gulf Arabic: أَكِل‎; Hijazi Arabic: أَكِل‎; Moroccan Arabic: ماكلة‎; South Levantine Arabic: أكل‎; Aramaic: אוכלא‎; Armenian: ուտելիք, սնունդ, կերակուր; Aromanian: mãcari, mãcare; Assamese: খোৱাবস্তু, খানা; Asturian: comida; Azerbaijani: qida, ərzaq, yemək; Bakhtiari: زات‎; Baluchi: ورگ‎; Bashkir: аҙыҡ, ризыҡ, аш; ем; Basque: janari; Belarusian: харчава́нне, е́жа; Bengali: খাদ্য, গেজা; Breton: boued, bouedoù; Bulgarian: храна́; Burmese: စားစရာ, အစားအစာ, အစား; Catalan: menjar, aliment; Cebuano: pagkaon; Central Melanau: wakkan; Chechen: яа хӏума, кхача, даар; Chichewa: chakudya; Chichonyi-Chidzihana-Chikauma: chakurya; Chinese Cantonese: 嘢食, 食物; Mandarin: 食物, 食品; Chuvash: апат-ҫимӗҫ; Crimean Tatar: aş; Czech: potrava, jídlo; Danish: føde, mad, næring; Darkinjung: ngunnuñ; Dolgan: ас; Dutch: voedsel, eten; Dzongkha: ལྟོ; ; Esperanto: manĝaĵo; Estonian: toit; Faroese: matur, føði; Fijian: kakana; Finnish: ruoka, ravinto; French: [[nourriture]], [[alimentation]], [[manger]], [[bouffe]]; Galician: comida, mastoca, cibo, bodo; Gallurese: alimentu, riccattu; Georgian: საზრდო, საჭმელი, საკვები; German: [[Nahrung]], [[Essen]], [[Lebensmittel]], [[Speise]]; Gothic: 𐌼𐌰𐍄𐍃; Greek: [[τροφή]], [[φαγητό]], [[φαΐ]]; Ancient Greek: [[βρῶμα]], [[βορά]], [[εἶδαρ]]; Guaraní: embi'u; Guhu-Samane: patta; Gujarati: ખાવાનું; Haitian Creole: manje; Halkomelem: s'elhtel; Hawaiian: ʻai; Hebrew: אוכל \ אֹכֶל‎, מָזוֹן‎; Hiligaynon: pagkaon; Hindi: खाना, भोजन; Hungarian: étel, ennivaló, élelem, étek, táplálék; Iban: pemakai; Icelandic: matur, fæði; Ido: nutrivo, nutrajo, manjajo; Igbo: nri; Indonesian: makanan, pangan; Ingush: яа хӏама; Interlingua: alimento; Irish: bia; Italian: cibo, alimento, vitto; Japanese: 食べ物, 食物, 食料, 飯, 食品, 餌; Javanese: pangan, panganan; Kabyle: učči; Kannada: ಕೂತ; Kapampangan: pamangan; Kazakh: ас, тамақ; Khakas: ас; Khasi: jingbam; Khmer: ម្ហូបអាហារ, ម្ហូប, អាហារ; Khoekhoe: ǂû-i; Korean: 음식(飮食); Kuna: masi; Kurdish Central Kurdish: خواردەمەنی‎, چێشت‎; Northern Kurdish: xurek, xiza; Kyrgyz: аш, тамак, тамак-аш; Ladino: alimento, komida; Lao: ອາຫານ, ເຄື່ອງກິນ; Latgalian: iedīņs; Latin: [[cibus]], [[pabulum]], [[esca]], [[cibaria]], [[alimentum]], [[pulmentum]]; Latvian: pārtika, ēdiens; Laz: gyari; Lithuanian: maistas; Luhya: syakhulia; Lushootseed: sʔəɬəd; Lü: ᦃᧁᧉᦓᧄᧉ, ᦃᧁᧉᦔᦱ; Macedonian: храна; Maguindanao: ken; Malay: makanan; Malayalam: ആഹാരം, ഭക്ഷണം; Maltese: ikel; Manx: bee; Maori: kai, haupa, kame, kamenga; Maranao: ken; Mazanderani: خه‌راک‎; Meru: irio; Mingrelian: ოჭკომალი; Mirandese: quemido, alimiento; Mongolian: хоол, хүнс, зоог; Mwani: chakurya; Nahuatl Classical: tlacualli; Navajo: chʼiyáán; Neapolitan: mmangià; Nepali: खाना; Ngazidja Comorian: zio Norman: mang'rie, nouôrrituthe; Northern Sami: biebmu; Norwegian: mat, føde, næring; Occitan: manjar, aliment; Ojibwe: miijim; Oriya: ଖାଦ୍ୟ; Oromo: nyaata; Ossetian: хӕрд, хӕринаг; Paiwan: lami; Pangasinan: panangan; Pashto: ډوډۍ‎; Persian: غذا‎; Pipil: takwal, tacual; Pitcairn-Norfolk: wettles; Pitjantjatjara: mai; Plautdietsch: Äten; Polish: jedzenie, pożywienie, żywność, strawa, jadło, pica; Portuguese: comida, alimento; Punjabi: ਅਹਾਰ, ਖਾਣਾ; Quechua: mikhuna; Rapa Nui: kai; Rohingya: hána; Romani: xaben; Romanian: aliment, mâncare, hrană; Russian: еда́, пи́ща, пита́ние, корм; Rusyn: їджіня, страва; Sanskrit: खाद्य, भोजन, अन्न, प्सुरस्, घास; Santali: ᱡᱚᱢᱟᱜ; Sardinian Campidanese: alimentu; Logudorese: tzibbu, alimentu; Scottish Gaelic: biadh; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: храна; Roman: hrána; Sinhalese: කෑම, ආහාර; Skolt Sami: porrmõš; Slovak: jedlo, strava; Slovene: hrana; Sorbian Lower Sorbian: jěza; Sotho: dijo; Spanish: [[alimento]], [[comida]], [[víveres]]; Swahili: chakula; Swedish: mat, föda; Tabasaran: хураг; Tagalog: pagkain; Tajik: ғизо; Talysh: خراک‎; Tamil: சாப்பாடு, உணவு; Tatar: аш; Telugu: ఆహారం, తిండి; Thai: อาหาร, ของกิน; Tibetan: ལྟོ, ཁ་ལག; Tigrinya: መግቢ; Tocharian B: śwātsi; Tok Pisin: kaikai; Torres Strait Creole: kaikai; Tupinambá: emi'u; Turkish: yiyecek, yemek, besin, aş, azık; Turkmen: aş, azyk; Tuvan: чем, аъш-чем; Ugaritic: 𐎀𐎋𐎍; Ukrainian: ї́жа, харчува́ння; Urdu: کھانا‎; Uyghur: ئوزۇق‎, يېمەك‎; Uzbek: ozuqa, oziq, ovqat, yemak, taom; Veps: söm; Vietnamese: thức ăn, thực phẩm, đồ ăn; Volapük: fid; Võro: süük; Walloon: amagnî, amindjî; Waray-Waray: pagka-un; Welsh: bwyd; West Frisian: fiedsel; Western Panjabi: اہار‎, کھانا‎; White Hmong: mov, zaub mov; Yakut: ас; Yiddish: עסן‎; Yoruba: oúnjẹ; Yámana: antama; Zhuang: gijgwn; ǃXóõ: ʻâã

Latest revision as of 09:31, 1 July 2024

Latin > English

cibus cibi N M :: food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

cĭbus: i, m. perh. root of capio,
I food for man and beast, victuals, fare, nutriment, fodder (class. in prose and poetry, both in sing. and plur.; syn.: esca, epulae; opp. potio, Cic. Fin. 1, 11, 37; cf. id. N. D. 2, 54, 136; so, cibus potusque, Tac. A. 13, 16: cibus et vinum, Cic. Div. 1, 29, 60; Juv. 10, 203: unda cibusque, Ov. M. 4, 262): cibum capere, Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 60; Ter. Eun. 2, 3, 77: petere, id. ib. 3, 2, 38; id. Heaut. 5, 2, 25: capessere (of animals), Cic. N. D. 2, 47, 122: sumere, Nep. Att. 21, 6; Plin. 30, 5, 12, § 36: tantum cibi et potionis adhibendum, etc., Cic. Sen. 11, 36: digerere, Quint. 11, 2, 35; cf. id. 11, 3, 19: coquere, Varr. R. R. 2, 10, 7: concoquere, Cic. Fin. 2, 20, 64: mandere, id. N. D. 2, 54, 134: cibos suppeditare, id. Leg. 2, 27, 67: (Cleanthes) negat ullum esse cibum tam gravem, quin is die et nocte concoquatur, id. N. D. 2, 9, 24; cf.: suavissimus et idem facillimus ad concoquendum, id. Fin. 2, 20, 64: flentes orabant, ut se cibo juvarent, Caes. B. G. 7, 78 fin.: cibus animalis, the means of nourishment in the air, Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 136: cibi bubuli, Varr. R. R. 2, 11, 3; 1, 23, 2: cibus erat caro ferina, Sall. J. 18, 1: cum tenues hamos abdidit ante cibus, the bait, Tib. 2, 6, 24; Ov. M. 8, 856; 15, 476.—
   B Transf. to the nourishment of plants, the nutritive juice, Lucr. 1, 353; Plin. 17, 2, 2, § 12.—
II Trop., food, sustenance (rare): quasi quidam humanitatis cibus, Cic. Fin. 5, 19, 54: cibus furoris, Ov. M. 6, 480: causa cibusque mali, id. R. Am. 138.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) cĭbus,⁸ ī, m.,
1 nourriture, aliment [de l’homme, des animaux ou des plantes], mets, repas : cibus gravis Cic. Nat. 2, 24, aliment indigeste ; cibus facillimus ad concoquendum Cic. Tusc. 2, 64, aliment très facile à digérer ; plurimi cibi esse Suet. Galba 22, être gros mangeur, cf. Cic. Fam. 9, 26, 4 ; maximi cibi esse Varro R. 2, 11, être très nourrissant ; abstinere se cibo Nep. Att. 22, 3, s’abstenir de manger ; cibus arborum imber Plin. 17, 12, la pluie est la nourriture des arbres || [fig.] aliment, nourriture : omnia pro cibo furoris accipit Ov. M. 6, 480, tout sert d’aliment à sa fureur || pl. cibi = espèces de nourriture : Cic. Nat. 2, 146
2 suc des aliments, sève : Cic. Nat. 2, 137 ; cibus per ramos diffunditur Lucr. 1, 352, la sève se diffuse dans les rameaux
3 appât : cum hamos abdidit ante cibus Tib. 2, 6, 24, quand l’appât cache l’hameçon.
(2) cĭbŭs, ūs, m., arch., Prisc. Gramm. 6, 73, c. le précédent.

Latin > German (Georges)

cibus, ī, m. (vgl. κίβος), die Speise für Menschen u. Tiere, die Nahrung, Kost, das Futter, I) eig.: 1) im allg.: levis, leichte, Cels.: levis et facilis (einfache), Plin. ep.: gravis, Cic.: acer, mollis, Cels.: agrestis (Ggstz. mitiora, n. pl.), Iustin.: silvestris, Wildbret, Capit.: vespertinus, Varr.: cibum sumere, zu sich nehmen, Nep.: multis diebus non cibum sumere, Iustin.: cibum capere cum alqo, Ter.: cibum capere, Cic. ep.: cibum capere nolle (v. einem Hunde), Plin.: cibum non accipere (v. Kranken), Cels.: cibos ministrare (auftragen), Tac.: cibum subducere, Cic.: alci (cani, porco) cibum obicere, Sen. u. Plin.: cibi minimi, plurimi, gar kein starker Esser, ein sehr starker Esser, Suet.: non multi cibi hospitem accipies, multi ioci, dem es nicht um vieles Essen zu tun ist, wohl aber um viele Späße, Cic. – 2) insbes.: a) der Nahrungsstoff, animalis, den die Lungen aus der Luft einsaugen, Cic. de nat. deor. 2, 136: esse maioris od. maximi cibi (v. Speisen), Varr. r. r. 1, 23, 2; 2, 11, 3. – im Körper, der von den Speisen sich absondernde Nahrungssaft, Speisesaft, Cic. de nat. deor. 2, 137. – u. v. Nahrungssaft für die Pflanzen, Lucr. 1, 352. Plin. 17, 12. – b) die Lockspeise, der Köder an der Angel, fallax, Ov.: cum tenues hamos abdidit ante cibus, Tibull. – II) übtr., Nahrung, quasi quidam humanitatis cibus, Cic.: causa cibusque mali, Ov.; u. so Ov. met. 6, 480. – / Akk. Plur. cibus, Fulgent. mitol. 2, 10. p. 50, 10 Helm.

Latin > Chinese

cibus, i. m. :: 飮食糧食



Abkhaz: афа; Acholi: cam; Afrikaans: kos, voedsel; Ainu: アエㇷ゚; Akan: aduane; Albanian: ushqim; Ambonese Malay: makanan; Amharic: ምግብ, መብል; Arabic: طَعَام‎; Egyptian Arabic: اكل‎; Gulf Arabic: أَكِل‎; Hijazi Arabic: أَكِل‎; Moroccan Arabic: ماكلة‎; South Levantine Arabic: أكل‎; Aramaic: אוכלא‎; Armenian: ուտելիք, սնունդ, կերակուր; Aromanian: mãcari, mãcare; Assamese: খোৱাবস্তু, খানা; Asturian: comida; Azerbaijani: qida, ərzaq, yemək; Bakhtiari: زات‎; Baluchi: ورگ‎; Bashkir: аҙыҡ, ризыҡ, аш; ем; Basque: janari; Belarusian: харчава́нне, е́жа; Bengali: খাদ্য, গেজা; Breton: boued, bouedoù; Bulgarian: храна́; Burmese: စားစရာ, အစားအစာ, အစား; Catalan: menjar, aliment; Cebuano: pagkaon; Central Melanau: wakkan; Chechen: яа хӏума, кхача, даар; Chichewa: chakudya; Chichonyi-Chidzihana-Chikauma: chakurya; Chinese Cantonese: 嘢食, 食物; Mandarin: 食物, 食品; Chuvash: апат-ҫимӗҫ; Crimean Tatar: aş; Czech: potrava, jídlo; Danish: føde, mad, næring; Darkinjung: ngunnuñ; Dolgan: ас; Dutch: voedsel, eten; Dzongkha: ལྟོ; ; Esperanto: manĝaĵo; Estonian: toit; Faroese: matur, føði; Fijian: kakana; Finnish: ruoka, ravinto; French: nourriture, alimentation, manger, bouffe; Galician: comida, mastoca, cibo, bodo; Gallurese: alimentu, riccattu; Georgian: საზრდო, საჭმელი, საკვები; German: Nahrung, Essen, Lebensmittel, Speise; Gothic: 𐌼𐌰𐍄𐍃; Greek: τροφή, φαγητό, φαΐ; Ancient Greek: βρῶμα, βορά, εἶδαρ; Guaraní: embi'u; Guhu-Samane: patta; Gujarati: ખાવાનું; Haitian Creole: manje; Halkomelem: s'elhtel; Hawaiian: ʻai; Hebrew: אוכל \ אֹכֶל‎, מָזוֹן‎; Hiligaynon: pagkaon; Hindi: खाना, भोजन; Hungarian: étel, ennivaló, élelem, étek, táplálék; Iban: pemakai; Icelandic: matur, fæði; Ido: nutrivo, nutrajo, manjajo; Igbo: nri; Indonesian: makanan, pangan; Ingush: яа хӏама; Interlingua: alimento; Irish: bia; Italian: cibo, alimento, vitto; Japanese: 食べ物, 食物, 食料, 飯, 食品, 餌; Javanese: pangan, panganan; Kabyle: učči; Kannada: ಕೂತ; Kapampangan: pamangan; Kazakh: ас, тамақ; Khakas: ас; Khasi: jingbam; Khmer: ម្ហូបអាហារ, ម្ហូប, អាហារ; Khoekhoe: ǂû-i; Korean: 음식(飮食); Kuna: masi; Kurdish Central Kurdish: خواردەمەنی‎, چێشت‎; Northern Kurdish: xurek, xiza; Kyrgyz: аш, тамак, тамак-аш; Ladino: alimento, komida; Lao: ອາຫານ, ເຄື່ອງກິນ; Latgalian: iedīņs; Latin: cibus, pabulum, esca, cibaria, alimentum, pulmentum; Latvian: pārtika, ēdiens; Laz: gyari; Lithuanian: maistas; Luhya: syakhulia; Lushootseed: sʔəɬəd; Lü: ᦃᧁᧉᦓᧄᧉ, ᦃᧁᧉᦔᦱ; Macedonian: храна; Maguindanao: ken; Malay: makanan; Malayalam: ആഹാരം, ഭക്ഷണം; Maltese: ikel; Manx: bee; Maori: kai, haupa, kame, kamenga; Maranao: ken; Mazanderani: خه‌راک‎; Meru: irio; Mingrelian: ოჭკომალი; Mirandese: quemido, alimiento; Mongolian: хоол, хүнс, зоог; Mwani: chakurya; Nahuatl Classical: tlacualli; Navajo: chʼiyáán; Neapolitan: mmangià; Nepali: खाना; Ngazidja Comorian: zio Norman: mang'rie, nouôrrituthe; Northern Sami: biebmu; Norwegian: mat, føde, næring; Occitan: manjar, aliment; Ojibwe: miijim; Oriya: ଖାଦ୍ୟ; Oromo: nyaata; Ossetian: хӕрд, хӕринаг; Paiwan: lami; Pangasinan: panangan; Pashto: ډوډۍ‎; Persian: غذا‎; Pipil: takwal, tacual; Pitcairn-Norfolk: wettles; Pitjantjatjara: mai; Plautdietsch: Äten; Polish: jedzenie, pożywienie, żywność, strawa, jadło, pica; Portuguese: comida, alimento; Punjabi: ਅਹਾਰ, ਖਾਣਾ; Quechua: mikhuna; Rapa Nui: kai; Rohingya: hána; Romani: xaben; Romanian: aliment, mâncare, hrană; Russian: еда́, пи́ща, пита́ние, корм; Rusyn: їджіня, страва; Sanskrit: खाद्य, भोजन, अन्न, प्सुरस्, घास; Santali: ᱡᱚᱢᱟᱜ; Sardinian Campidanese: alimentu; Logudorese: tzibbu, alimentu; Scottish Gaelic: biadh; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: храна; Roman: hrána; Sinhalese: කෑම, ආහාර; Skolt Sami: porrmõš; Slovak: jedlo, strava; Slovene: hrana; Sorbian Lower Sorbian: jěza; Sotho: dijo; Spanish: alimento, comida, víveres; Swahili: chakula; Swedish: mat, föda; Tabasaran: хураг; Tagalog: pagkain; Tajik: ғизо; Talysh: خراک‎; Tamil: சாப்பாடு, உணவு; Tatar: аш; Telugu: ఆహారం, తిండి; Thai: อาหาร, ของกิน; Tibetan: ལྟོ, ཁ་ལག; Tigrinya: መግቢ; Tocharian B: śwātsi; Tok Pisin: kaikai; Torres Strait Creole: kaikai; Tupinambá: emi'u; Turkish: yiyecek, yemek, besin, aş, azık; Turkmen: aş, azyk; Tuvan: чем, аъш-чем; Ugaritic: 𐎀𐎋𐎍; Ukrainian: ї́жа, харчува́ння; Urdu: کھانا‎; Uyghur: ئوزۇق‎, يېمەك‎; Uzbek: ozuqa, oziq, ovqat, yemak, taom; Veps: söm; Vietnamese: thức ăn, thực phẩm, đồ ăn; Volapük: fid; Võro: süük; Walloon: amagnî, amindjî; Waray-Waray: pagka-un; Welsh: bwyd; West Frisian: fiedsel; Western Panjabi: اہار‎, کھانا‎; White Hmong: mov, zaub mov; Yakut: ас; Yiddish: עסן‎; Yoruba: oúnjẹ; Yámana: antama; Zhuang: gijgwn; ǃXóõ: ʻâã