exsularis: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

Φίλος με βλάπτων (λυπῶν) οὐδὲν ἐχθροῦ διαφέρει → Laedens amicus distat inimico nihil → Ein Freund, der schadet, ist ganz gelich mir einem Feind

Menander, Monostichoi, 530
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|lshtext=<b>exsŭlāris</b>: ([[exul]]-), e, adj. [[exsul]],<br /><b>I</b> of or belonging to [[exile]] or to exiles ([[late]] Lat.): [[poena]], Amm. 15, 3: [[maeror]], id. 14, 4.
|lshtext=<b>exsŭlāris</b>: ([[exul]]-), e, adj. [[exsul]],<br /><b>I</b> of or belonging to [[exile]] or to exiles ([[late]] Lat.): [[poena]], Amm. 15, 3: [[maeror]], id. 14, 4.
|gf=<b>exsŭlāris</b>, e, d’exilé : Amm. 14, 5, 1.

Revision as of 06:44, 14 August 2017

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

exsŭlāris: (exul-), e, adj. exsul,
I of or belonging to exile or to exiles (late Lat.): poena, Amm. 15, 3: maeror, id. 14, 4.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

exsŭlāris, e, d’exilé : Amm. 14, 5, 1.