grandesco: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

Βουλόμεθα πλουτεῖν πάντες, ἀλλ' οὐ δυνάμεθα → Ditescere omnes volumus, at non possumus → Wir wollen alle reich sein, doch wir können's nicht

Menander, Monostichoi, 64
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|gf=<b>grandēscō</b>,¹⁴ ĕre ([[grandis]]), intr., croître, se développer, grandir : Lucr. 1, 171, etc. ; Col. Rust. 2, 20, 2.
|gf=<b>grandēscō</b>,¹⁴ ĕre ([[grandis]]), intr., croître, se développer, grandir : Lucr. 1, 171, etc. ; Col. Rust. 2, 20, 2.
|georg=grandēsco, ere ([[grandis]]), [[groß]] [[werden]], [[wachsen]], Lucr., Cic. poët. Col. u.a.: übtr., [[non]] ventre gravescere, [[sed]] mente grandescere, Augustin. epist. 150.

Revision as of 09:25, 15 August 2017

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

grandesco: ĕre,
I v. inch. n. grandis, to become great, to grow (poet. and in postAug. prose): quicque sua de materia grandescere alique (preceded by crescere), Lucr. 1, 191; cf. id. 2, 1122; 1160: lentiscus triplici solita grandescere fetu, Cic. poët. Div. 1, 9, 15: grandescunt frumenta, Col. 2, 20, 2: hordeum, Pall. Jun. 2: lignum intus, Plin. 15, 3, 3, § 10.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

grandēscō,¹⁴ ĕre (grandis), intr., croître, se développer, grandir : Lucr. 1, 171, etc. ; Col. Rust. 2, 20, 2.

Latin > German (Georges)

grandēsco, ere (grandis), groß werden, wachsen, Lucr., Cic. poët. Col. u.a.: übtr., non ventre gravescere, sed mente grandescere, Augustin. epist. 150.