detach: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

κατὰ τὸν δεύτερον, φασί, πλοῦν τὰ ἐλάχιστα ληπτέον τῶν κακῶν → we must as second best, as people say, take the least of the evils

(Woodhouse 2)
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===verb transitive===
[[untie]]: [[prose|P.]] and [[verse|V.]] [[λύω]], [[λύειν]].
[[detach from main body]]: [[prose|P.]] [[ἀποχωρίζειν]].
[[detach from an alliance]]: [[prose|P.]] [[ἀφιστάναι]], [[παρασπᾶσθαι]].
[[thinking the only safely lay in detaching Tissaphernes for them from the Peloponnesians]]: [[prose|P.]] [[νομίζων μόνην σωτηρίαν εἰ Τισσαφέρνην αὐτοῖς μεταστήσειεν ἀπὸ Πελοποννησίων]] ([[Thucydides|Thuc.]] 8, 81).
[[separate off]]: [[prose|P.]] [[ἀφορίζεσθαι]]; see [[separate]].
[[be detached]] ([[parted]]) [[from]]: [[verse|V.]] [[ἀποζυγῆναι]] (gen.) (2nd aor. pass. [[ἀποζευγνύναι]]).

Latest revision as of 20:25, 9 December 2020