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εἰ πλείονα δ' εἰδείης Σισύφου → if you were more intelligent than Sisyphus

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Latest revision as of 19:19, 9 December 2020

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for clatter - Opens in new window


P. and V. ψόφος, ὁ, κτύπος, ὁ (rare P.), δοῦπος, ὁ (rare P.), Ar. and V. πάταγος. ὁ, V. βρόμος, ὁ, ἀραγμός, ὁ, ἀράγματα, τά, κροτησμός, ὁ.

verb intransitive

P. and V. ψοφεῖν, Ar. and V. κτυπεῖν; (also Plato but rare P.), βρέμειν (Ar. in mid.), Ar. and P. παταγεῖν (Plato but rare P.); see resound.