stickiness: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

τίκτει γὰρ κόρος ὕβριν, ὅταν πολὺς ὄλβος ἕπηται ἀνθρώποις ὁπ̣όσοις μὴ νόος ἄρτιος ἦι → satiety breeds arrogance whenever men with unfit minds have great wealth

m (Woodhouse1 replacement)
m (Text replacement - "File:woodhouse_\d+\.jpg\|thumb" to "File:p2.png|right|Woodhouse page for {{PAGENAME}} - Opens in new window")
Line 1: Line 1:
|Text=[[File:p2.png|right|Woodhouse page for {{PAGENAME}} - Opens in new window|link={{filepath:woodhouse_816.jpg}}]]

Use [[prose|P.]] [[τὸ γλίσχρον]].
Use [[prose|P.]] [[τὸ γλίσχρον]].

Revision as of 11:40, 10 December 2020

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for stickiness - Opens in new window


Use P. τὸ γλίσχρον.