pecuarius: Difference between revisions

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παιδείαν δὲ πᾶσαν, μακάριε, φεῦγε τἀκάτιον ἀράμενοςflee all education, raising up the top sail

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|lnetxt=pecuarius pecuari(i) N M :: cattle-breeder, grazier; farmers of the public pastures (pl.)<br />pecuarius pecuarius pecuaria, pecuarium ADJ :: of sheep or cattle
|lnetxt=pecuarius pecuari(i) N M :: cattle-breeder, grazier; farmers of the public pastures (pl.)<br />pecuarius pecuarius pecuaria, pecuarium ADJ :: [[of sheep or cattle]]

Revision as of 19:56, 29 November 2022

Latin > English

pecuarius pecuari(i) N M :: cattle-breeder, grazier; farmers of the public pastures (pl.)
pecuarius pecuarius pecuaria, pecuarium ADJ :: of sheep or cattle

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

pĕcŭārĭus: a, um, adj. id.,
I of or belonging to cattle: res pecuaria, Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 45: pecuarii greges, herds of cattle, Varr. R. R. 2, 5, 17: quaestio, id. ib. 2, 2, 1: negotiatio, Col. 8, 1, 1: canis, id. 7, 12, 8: res, a stock of cattle, live stock, Cic. Quint. 3, 12.—
II Subst.
   A pĕcŭārĭus, ii, m.
   1    A cattle-breeder, grazier, Varr. R. R. 2, 4: diligentissimus agricola et pecuarius, Cic. Deiot. 9, 27.—
   2    A farmer of the public pastures: damnatis aliquot pecuariis, Liv. 10, 47, 4; Inscr. Don. cl. 9, n. 13.—
   B pĕcŭārĭa, ae, f., a stock of cattle: omnis pecuariae pecus fundamentum, Varr. R. R. 2, 1: ipse pecuarias habui grandes, in Apuliā oviarias, in Reatino equarias, id. ib. 2, praef. § 6; 2, 1, 3.—Also, cattle-breeding: librum de pecuariā, Varr. R. R. 3, 1 fin.—
   C pĕcŭārĭa, ōrum, n., herds of cattle: mitte in Venerem pecuaria primus, Verg. G. 3, 64; Pers. 3, 9; Plin. 8, 9, 9, § 27.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

pĕcŭārĭus,¹³ a, um (pecu), de troupeaux, de bestiaux : pecuaria res Cic. Quinct. 12, troupeaux || subst. m., propriétaire de troupeaux, éleveur : Cic. Dej. 27 || fermier des pâturages publics : Cic. Font. 46 ; Liv. 10, 47, 4.

Latin > German (Georges)

pecuārius, a, um (pecu), zum Viehe gehörig, Vieh-, I) adi.: grex, Varro: res, Viehzucht, Plaut., Varro u. Cic.: agri, für das Vieh (zur Viehzucht) geeignete, Sall. fr. – II) subst.: A) pecuārius, iī, m., a) der Viehzüchter, Cic.: dah. pecuarii, die Pächter der öffentlichen Weideplätze (in den Provinzen), Cic. u. Liv. – b) ein Intendanturbeamter beim Heere, der für Schlachtvieh sorgte, pequarius (so!), Corp. inscr. Lat. 8, 2553 u. 2568: pequ. legionis, ibid. 8, 2791: pequ. legionis XX, ibid. 13, 8287. Vgl. Borghesi Oeuvres 4. p. 191. – B) pecuāria, ae, f., α) (sc. statio), der Viehstand, die Viehhalterei, pecuariae grandes od. magnae, Varro r. r. 2. praef. § 6 u. 7. – β) die Viehzucht, Varro r. r. 3, 1, 9: pecuariam facere, Viehzucht treiben, Suet. Caes. 42, 1. – C) pecuāria, ōrum, n., Viehherden, Verg. georg. 3, 64. Pers. 3, 9: feminarum pecuaria separare, die Weibchen (der Elefanten) in besondere Herden abtrennen, Plin. 8, 27: heteroklit., agros suis pecuaribus implet, Coripp. Ioann. 6, 280.