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βίος ἀνεόρταστος μακρὴ ὁδὸς ἀπανδόκευτος → a life without feasting is a long journey without an inn | a life without festivals is a long journey without inns | a life without festivals is a long road without inns | a life without festivity is a long road without an inn | a life without festivity is like a long road without an inn | a life without holidays is like a long road without taverns | a life without parties is a long journey without inns | a life without public holidays is a long road without hotels

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|Text=[[File:woodhouse_416.jpg|thumb|link={{filepath:woodhouse_416.jpg}}]]'''v. trans.'''
|link={{filepath:woodhouse_416.jpg}}]]'''v. trans.'''
P. καταλάμπειν (gen.), V. φλέγειν.
P. καταλάμπειν (gen.), V. φλέγειν.
<b class="b2">Make plain</b>: P. and V. σαφηνίζειν (Xen.), διασαφεῖν (Plat.), V. ὀμματοῦν, Ar. and V. ἐξομματοῦν.
<b class="b2">Make plain</b>: P. and V. σαφηνίζειν (Xen.), διασαφεῖν (Plat.), V. ὀμματοῦν, Ar. and V. ἐξομματοῦν.

Revision as of 07:21, 14 August 2017

English > Greek (Woodhouse)


v. trans.

P. καταλάμπειν (gen.), V. φλέγειν. Make plain: P. and V. σαφηνίζειν (Xen.), διασαφεῖν (Plat.), V. ὀμματοῦν, Ar. and V. ἐξομματοῦν. Adorn: P. and V. κοσμεῖν, ποικίλλειν. Instruct: P. and V. παιδεύειν; see instruct.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

illūmĭnātē: adv., v. illumino.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

illūmĭnātē (inl-), avec l’éclat du style [emploi des figures] : Cic. de Or. 3, 53.