stoliditas: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

ἔστι δὲ τὸ ἓν καὶ τὸ ἁπλοῦν οὐ τὸ αὐτό → the one and the simple are not the same

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|georg=stoliditās, ātis, f. ([[stolidus]]), die Tölpelhaftigkeit, Albernheit, [[Dummdreistigkeit]], quaedam st. [[barbarica]], [[Flor]]. 3, 3, 12: stoliditatem fingere (v. [[Brutus]]), Schol. Iuven. 4, 102.
|georg=stoliditās, ātis, f. ([[stolidus]]), die Tölpelhaftigkeit, Albernheit, [[Dummdreistigkeit]], quaedam st. [[barbarica]], [[Flor]]. 3, 3, 12: stoliditatem fingere (v. [[Brutus]]), Schol. Iuven. 4, 102.
|lnetxt=stoliditas stoliditatis N F :: stupidity, cloddishness, brutish insensibility; dullness, obtusness (L+S)

Revision as of 17:45, 27 February 2019

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

stŏlĭdĭtas: ātis, f. stolidus,
I dulness, obtuseness, stupidity, stolidity (post-class.), Flor. 3, 3, 12; 4, 12, 16; Gell. 18, 4, 6; Arn. 2, 80 al.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

stŏlĭdĭtās, ātis, f. (stolidus), sottise, stupidité : Gell. 18, 4, 6 ; Flor. 3, 3, 12, etc.

Latin > German (Georges)

stoliditās, ātis, f. (stolidus), die Tölpelhaftigkeit, Albernheit, Dummdreistigkeit, quaedam st. barbarica, Flor. 3, 3, 12: stoliditatem fingere (v. Brutus), Schol. Iuven. 4, 102.

Latin > English

stoliditas stoliditatis N F :: stupidity, cloddishness, brutish insensibility; dullness, obtusness (L+S)