ὀδυναρός: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

γυνὴ γὰρ οἴκῳ πῆμα καὶ σωτηρίαbane and salvation to a house is woman, bane or salvation to a house is woman, for a woman is disaster and salvation for the house

m (LSJ2 replacement)
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|Full diacritics=ὀδυναρός
|Medium diacritics=ὀδυναρός
|Low diacritics=οδυναρός
|Transliteration A=odynarós
|Transliteration B=odynaros
|Transliteration C=odynaros
|Beta Code=o)dunaro/s
|Definition=Doric for [[ὀδυνηρός]].
|lstext='''ὀδῠνᾱρός''': Δωρ. ἀντὶ [[ὀδυνηρός]].
|lstext='''ὀδῠνᾱρός''': Δωρ. ἀντὶ [[ὀδυνηρός]].

Revision as of 10:48, 31 January 2021

Click links below for lookup in third sources:
Full diacritics: ὀδυναρός Medium diacritics: ὀδυναρός Low diacritics: οδυναρός Capitals: ΟΔΥΝΑΡΟΣ
Transliteration A: odynarós Transliteration B: odynaros Transliteration C: odynaros Beta Code: o)dunaro/s

English (LSJ)

Doric for ὀδυνηρός.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ὀδῠνᾱρός: Δωρ. ἀντὶ ὀδυνηρός.

English (Slater)

ὀδῠνᾱρός, ὀδυνηρός
   1 painful ἕλκος ὀδυναρὸν acc. (P. 2.91) πρὶν ὀδυνηρᾰ γήραος ς[ μ]ολεῖν (ς[ταθμὰ Wil.: ς[χεδὸν G-H: ὀδυναρὰ coni. Schr., v. Forssman, 149ff.) (Pae. 1.1)

Greek Monotonic

ὀδυνᾱρός: Δωρ. αντί ὀδυνηρός.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

ὀδῠνᾱρός: дор. = ὀδυνηρός.