Serapias lingua: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

ἀσκέειν, περὶ τὰ νουσήματα, δύο, ὠφελέειν, ἢ μὴ βλάπτειν → strive, with regard to diseases, for two things — to do good, or to do no harm | as to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm

(Created page with "==Wikipedia EN== thumb|Serapias lingua|alt=Serapias lingua.jpg Serapias lingua, commonly known as tongue-orchid or the tongue Serapias...")
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==Wikipedia EN==
[[File:Serapias lingua.jpg|thumb|Serapias lingua|alt=Serapias lingua.jpg]]
|wketx=[[File:Serapias lingua.jpg|thumb|Serapias lingua|alt=Serapias lingua.jpg]]
[[Serapias lingua]], commonly known as [[tongue-orchid]] or the [[tongue Serapias]], is a species of orchid native to the Mediterranean. Serapias lingua can be found in damp meadows and open fields of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece and all the Mediterranean islands west of Crete and in western North Africa. Serapias lingua flowers in spring to early summer with 2.5 cm flowers and then they go dormant in mid and late summer.
[[Serapias lingua]], commonly known as [[tongue-orchid]] or the [[tongue Serapias]], is a species of orchid native to the Mediterranean. Serapias lingua can be found in damp meadows and open fields of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece and all the Mediterranean islands west of Crete and in western North Africa. Serapias lingua flowers in spring to early summer with 2.5 cm flowers and then they go dormant in mid and late summer.
==Wikipedia EN==
==Wikipedia EN==
Der Einschwielige Zungenstendel (Serapias lingua) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae).
Der Einschwielige Zungenstendel (Serapias lingua) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae).

Revision as of 11:19, 13 October 2022

Wikipedia EN

Serapias lingua.jpg
Serapias lingua

Serapias lingua, commonly known as tongue-orchid or the tongue Serapias, is a species of orchid native to the Mediterranean. Serapias lingua can be found in damp meadows and open fields of Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece and all the Mediterranean islands west of Crete and in western North Africa. Serapias lingua flowers in spring to early summer with 2.5 cm flowers and then they go dormant in mid and late summer.

Wikipedia EN

Der Einschwielige Zungenstendel (Serapias lingua) ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae).