ἀγανακτεῖν: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

ὃν οὐ τύπτει λόγος οὐδὲ ῥάβδος → if words don't get through, neither a beating will | if the carrot doesn't work, the stick will not work either | whom words do not strike, neither does the rod

(WoodhouseVerbsReversed replacement)
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|woodvr=(see also [[ἀγανακτέω]]): [[dislike]], [[lament]], [[regret]], [[be angry at]], [[be angry with]], [[be angry]], [[be annoyed]], [[be averse to]], [[be chagrined]], [[be disgusted with]], [[be disgusted]], [[be displeased]], [[be dissatisfied with]], [[be dissatisfied]], [[be impatient of]], [[be indignant]], [[be offended]], [[be sore]], [[be vexed at]], [[be vexed]], [[feel oneself aggrieved]], [[frown on]], [[grieve for]], [[grumble at]], [[ill brook]], [[object to]], [[scowl on]], [[take exception to]], [[take it ill]], [[take offence at]], [[take offence]], [[view with disfavor]], [[view with disfavour]]
|woodvr=(see also [[ἀγανακτέω]]): [[dislike]], [[lament]], [[regret]], [[be angry at]], [[be angry with]], [[be angry]], [[be annoyed]], [[be averse to]], [[be chagrined]], [[be disgusted with]], [[be disgusted]], [[be displeased]], [[be dissatisfied with]], [[be dissatisfied]], [[be impatient of]], [[be indignant]], [[be offended]], [[be sore]], [[be vexed at]], [[be vexed]], [[feel oneself aggrieved]], [[frown on]], [[grieve for]], [[grumble at]], [[ill brook]], [[object to]], [[scowl on]], [[take exception to]], [[take it ill]], [[take offence at]], [[take offence]], [[view with disfavor]], [[view with disfavour]]
|lthtxt=''[[indignari]]'', to [[be displeased]], [[be angry]], [https://scaife.perseus.org/reader/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-grc2:8.43.4/ 8.43.4], [https://scaife.perseus.org/reader/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-grc2:8.66.4/ 8.66.4].

Revision as of 11:21, 16 November 2024