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From LSJ

πόθῳ δὲ τοῦ θανόντος ἠγκιστρωμένη ψυχὴν περισπαίροντι φυσήσει νεκρῷ → pierced by sorrow for the dead shall breathe forth her soul on the quivering body

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|lshtext=<b>ĭn-hūmĭgo</b>: 1, v. a.,<br /><b>I</b> to [[moisten]], [[wet]]: campum totum, Liv. Andron. ap. Non. 62, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 2 Rib.).
|lshtext=<b>ĭn-hūmĭgo</b>: 1, v. a.,<br /><b>I</b> to [[moisten]], [[wet]]: campum totum, Liv. Andron. ap. Non. 62, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 2 Rib.).
|gf=<b>ĭnhūmĭgō</b>, āre, tr., humecter : Andr. Tr. 18.

Revision as of 06:56, 14 August 2017

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ĭn-hūmĭgo: 1, v. a.,
I to moisten, wet: campum totum, Liv. Andron. ap. Non. 62, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 2 Rib.).

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ĭnhūmĭgō, āre, tr., humecter : Andr. Tr. 18.