inquilino: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

οὔτε σοφίας ἐνδείᾳ οὔτ' αἰσχύνης περιουσίᾳ → neither from lack of knowledge nor from superfluity of modesty

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|gf=<b>inquĭlīnō</b>, āre, intr., être locataire : Gloss. Phil.
|gf=<b>inquĭlīnō</b>, āre, intr., être locataire : Gloss. Phil.
|sltx=[[ἐνοικέω]], [[ἔνοικος]]

Revision as of 06:41, 22 August 2017

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

inquĭlīno: 1, v. a. id.,
I to be an inhabitant or sojourner: inquilino, ἐνοικέω,> Gloss. Philox.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

inquĭlīnō, āre, intr., être locataire : Gloss. Phil.

Spanish > Greek

ἐνοικέω, ἔνοικος