ὃς ἂν βούληται τῆν γῆν κινῆσαι κινησάτω τὸ πρῶτον ἑαυτόν → let him that would move the world first move himself
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
bulwark: P. and V. ἔρυμα, τό, ἔπαλξις, ἡ, V. ἕρκος, τό.
Used concretely of a person: V. ἔρεισμα, τό, πύργος, ὁ.
defence against: P. and V. πρόβλημα, τό (gen.), V. ἔρυμα, τό (gen.), ῥῦμα, τό (gen.), ἔπαλξις, ἡ (gen.), ἀλκή, ἡ (gen.), P. προβολή, ἡ (gen.).
defences (of a town, etc.): P. and V. ἔρυμα, τό, τεῖχος, τό, P. τείχισμα, τό, V. ἕρκη, τά.
these are the defences I threw up to protect Attica: P. ταῦτα προὐβαλόμην πρὸ τῆς Ἀττικῆς (Dem. 325).
protection: P. and V. φυλακή, ἡ, σωτηρία, ἡ, V. ῥῦμα, τό, ἔρυμα, τό; see protection.
means of defence: P. and V. σωτηρία, ἡ, V. ἀλκή, ἡ.
assistance: P. and V. ἐπικουρία, ἡ, P. βοήθεια, ή; see assistance.
come to the defence of, v.: P. and V. βοηθεῖν (dat.); see assist.
reply to charges, subs.: P. ἀπολογία, ἡ, ἀπολόγημα, τό.
justification: P. δικαίωμα, τό.