From LSJ
Σοφία δὲ πλούτου κτῆμα τιμιώτερον → Pretiosior res opipus est sapientia → Die Weisheit ist mehr wert als Säcke voller Geld
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also: ὀρθόω) aim, direct, guide, lift, prosper, raise, crown with success, direct a weapon, guide aright, keep upright, make to stand, raise by building, set in the right way, set up, set upright
Lexicon Thucydideum
erigere, exstruere, to raise up, build, 6.66.2,
PASS. secundis rebus uti, to enjoy success, 2.60.2, 3.30.4, 3.37.4. 3.42.4. 5.9.4. 5.111.4. 6.9.2, 8.64.4,
secundae res, success, prosperity, 4.18.4.