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Οὐ χρὴ φέρειν τὰ πρόσθεν ἐν μνήμῃ κακά → Mala pristina haud oportet ferre in memoria → Du darfst nicht im Gedächtnis tragen früheres Leid

Menander, Monostichoi, 435

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for darling - Opens in new window


favourite: P. and V. παιδικά, τά (Eur., Cyclops 584, and Sophocles, Fragment), Ar. and V. μέλημα, τό, V. φῶς, τό, φάος, τό, τριβή, ἡ.

one's darlings: P. and V. τὰ φίλτατα.


See dear.