ἀγεωμέτρητος μηδεὶς εἰσίτω → no one ignorant of geometry may enter, let no one ignorant of geometry enter, let no one ignorant of geometry come in
Full diacritics: διαυθεντέω | Medium diacritics: διαυθεντέω | Low diacritics: διαυθεντέω | Capitals: ΔΙΑΥΘΕΝΤΕΩ |
Transliteration A: diauthentéō | Transliteration B: diauthenteō | Transliteration C: diafthenteo | Beta Code: diauqente/w |
A to be certainly informed, S.E.M.7.425.
[Seite 609] zuverlässig behaupten, Sext. Emp. adv. math. 7, 425.