From LSJ
τὸ ἀνάλημμα καὶ τὴν ἐπ' αὐτοῦ κερκίδα → the retaining wall and the wedge of theatre seats supported by it
English (LSJ)
εως, ἡ, overflow, flood, Th.3.89; ποταμοῦ Thphr.Fr.171.11: pl., Them. Or.13.167b.
German (Pape)
[Seite 950] ἡ, das Überströmen, Thuc. 3, 89.
French (Bailly abrégé)
εως (ἡ) :
Étymologie: ἐπικλύζω.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
ἐπίκλῠσις: εως ἡ разлив, наводнение Thuc.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἐπίκλῠσις: -εως, ἡ, πλημμύρα, Θουκ. 3. 89, Θεοφρ. Ἀποσπ. 11. 12.
Greek Monotonic
ἐπίκλῠσις: -εως, ἡ, πλημμύρα, υπερχείλιση, σε Θουκ.
Middle Liddell
ἐπίκλῠσις, εως [from ἐπικλύζω
an overflow, flood, Thuc.