From LSJ
ἄνω ποταμῶν ἱερῶν χωροῦσι παγαί → the springs of sacred rivers flow upward, backward to their sources flow the streams of holy rivers
English (LSJ)
τό, A earth-nut, Bunium ferulaceum, Dsc.4.123. 2 = περιστερεών, Ps.-Dsc.4.59. II Dim. of βουνός 1, hill, Inscr. Prien. 42.41 (ii B. C.).
Spanish (DGE)
-ου, τό
I bot.
1 castañuela, Bunium ferulaceum Sibth et Sm., Dsc.4.123, Gal.11.775, οἶνος διὰ βουνίου vino perfumado de castañuela Dsc.5.46.
2 verbena, Verbena officinalis, PMag.3.333, Ps.Dsc.4.59, Hsch.
II loma, IPr.42.41, 66 (II a.C.).
German (Pape)
[Seite 458] τό, eine Doldenpflanze, Diosc.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
βούνιον: τὸ, φυτόν τι, bunium, Διοσκ. 4. 124.
Léxico de magia
τό bot. sent. dud. nabo λωτομήτραν, κρινάνθεμον, β. pulpa del fruto del loto, siempreviva, nabo P III 333 (fr. lac.)