ὁ μὴ δαρεὶς ἄνθρωπος οὐ παιδεύεται → spare the rod and spoil the child | οne who hasn't been flayed is not being taught | if the man was not beaten, he is not educated | the man, who was not paddled, is not educated
Latin > English
subucula subuculae N F :: under-tunic (both sexes), undergarment; sacrifcial cake(?); small jacket (Cal)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
sŭbūcŭla: ae, f. sub - UO; whence exuo.
I A man's under-garment, a shirt: postea quam binas tunicas habere coeperunt, instituerunt vocare subuculam et indusium, Varr. ap. Non. 542, 24; id. L. L. 5, § 131 Müll.; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 95; Suet. Aug. 82. — Of the priest's dress, Vulg. Lev. 8, 7. —
II Subuculam Aelius Stilo et Cloatius iisdem fere verbis demonstrant vocari, quod dis detur ex alicā et oleo et melle. Nam de tunicae genere notum est omnibus, Fest. pp. 308 and 309 Müll.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
sŭbūcŭla,¹⁵ æ, f.,
1 tunique de dessous, chemise : Varro L. 5, 131 ; Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 95
2 espèce de gâteau sacré : Fest. 309 ; P. Fest. 308.
Latin > German (Georges)
subūcula, ae, f. (vermutlich v. *subuo = subduo, wie exuo = exduo), die untere tunica, das Untergewand, Hemd der Frauen u. Männer, Varro LL. 5, 131 u. 9, 46. Varro de vit. P.R. 1. fr. 38 (bei Non. 548, 32). Hor. ep. 1, 1, 95. Suet. Aug. 82, 1. – Nach Aelius Stilo bei Fest. 309 (a), 25 auch eine Art Opferkuchen.
Latin > Chinese
subucula, ae. f. :: 汗衫