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Λεύσσετε, Θήβης οἱ κοιρανίδαι τὴν βασιλειδᾶν μούνην λοιπήν, οἷα πρὸς οἵων ἀνδρῶν πάσχω → See, you leaders of Thebes, what sorts of things I, its last princess, suffer at the hands of such men

Sophocles, Antigone, 940-942

Latin > English

myrica myricae N F :: tamarisk; (evergreen bush/shrub/tree)

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mўrīca, æ, et -cē, ēs, f. (μυρίκη), tamaris [arbuste] : Plin. 13, 116 ; 24, 67 ; Virg. B. 4, 2 ; 6, 10 ; 8, 54.

Latin > Chinese

myrica, ae. et myrice, es, f. :: 楊梅樹