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πρὸς ἀλέξησιν τραπομένους → preparing to defend themselves

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Full diacritics: ὀλῐγοδρᾰνέω Medium diacritics: ὀλιγοδρανέω Low diacritics: ολιγοδρανέω Capitals: ΟΛΙΓΟΔΡΑΝΕΩ
Transliteration A: oligodranéō Transliteration B: oligodraneō Transliteration C: oligodraneo Beta Code: o)ligodrane/w

English (LSJ)

(δραίνω) in Ep. pres. part. -έων, able to do little, feeble, powerless, Il.15.246, 16.843, 22.337 (never in Od.): also in late Prose, -οῦσα ἡ διάνοια Ph.1.460, cf. 2.573, Jul.Caes.331b: pres. ind. -οῦσιν Iamb.Myst.2.8.

German (Pape)

[Seite 320] wenig können, vermögen, wie ὀλιγηπελέω, schwach, ohnmächtig sein; Hom. im partic. praes., Il. 15, 246. 16, 843. 22, 337; einzeln bei sp. D.

French (Bailly abrégé)

seul. part. prés.
être faible, épuisé, exténué.
Étymologie: ὀλιγοδρανής.

English (Autenrieth)

only part., able to do little, feeble. (Il.)