καὶ κεραμεὺς κεραμεῖ κοτέει καὶ τέκτονι τέκτων, καὶ πτωχὸς πτωχῷ φθονέει καὶ ἀοιδὸς ἀοιδῷ → and potter is ill-disposed to potter, and carpenter to carpenter, and the beggar is envious of the beggar, the singer of the singer
Full diacritics: δωδεκᾰβωμος | Medium diacritics: δωδεκάβωμος | Low diacritics: δωδεκάβωμος | Capitals: ΔΩΔΕΚΑΒΩΜΟΣ |
Transliteration A: dōdekábōmos | Transliteration B: dōdekabōmos | Transliteration C: dodekavomos | Beta Code: dwdeka/bwmos |
A with twelve altars, ναός Lyd. Mens.4.2.
[Seite 693] mit zwölf Altären, Io. Lyd.
δωδεκάβωμος: -ον, δώδεκα ἔχων βωμούς, ναὸς Ἰω. Λυδ. π. Μην. 4. 3.