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Revision as of 07:38, 5 December 2023 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "Ancient Greek: εἰρεσία, εἰρεσίη," to "Ancient Greek: εἰρεσία, εἰρεσίη, ἐρετική,")
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τραχὺς ἐντεῦθεν μελάμπυγός τε τοῖς ἐχθροῖς ἅπασιν → he is a tough black-arse towards his enemies, he is a veritable Heracles towards his enemies


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for rowing - Opens in new window


oared: P. and V. κωπήρης, V. εὐήρετμος, πολύκωπος.

a two-oared rowing boat: P. ἀκάτιον ἀμφηρικόν (Thuc. 4, 67).


P. εἰρεσία, ἡ.

the art of rowing: P. ἐρετική, ἡ (Plato).



Bulgarian: гребане; Catalan: rem, remant; Chinese Mandarin: 划船; Czech: veslování; Danish: ro, roning; Dutch: roeien; Esperanto: remado; Faroese: róður; Finnish: soutaminen, soutu; French: aviron, canotage; Galician: remo; Georgian: ნიჩბოსნობა; German: Rudern; Greek: κωπηλασία; Ancient Greek: εἰρεσία, εἰρεσίη, ἐρετική, ἐρετμός, κωπηλασία; Icelandic: róður; Irish: rámhaíocht; Italian: canottaggio, voga; Japanese: ローイング, 漕艇, 漕艇, 船こぎ, ボートこぎ, ローイング; Macedonian: веслање; Norwegian Bokmål: roing; Norwegian Nynorsk: roing; Polish: wioślarstwo, wiosłowanie; Portuguese: remada, remo; Romanian: canotaj, vâslire; Russian: гребля; Spanish: remo