Ἀναξαγόρας δύο ἔλεγε διδασκαλίας εἶναι θανάτου, τόν τε πρὸ τοῦ γενέσθαι χρόνον καὶ τὸν ὕπνον → Anaxagoras used to say that we have two teachers for death: the time before we were born and sleep | Anaxagoras said that there are two rehearsals for death: the time before being born and sleep
[Seite 821] Weizen tödtend, λάτρις Δήμητρος, Philp. 76 (VII, 394), vom Mühlsteine, nach μυλήφατος gebildet.
πῡρηφάτος: уничтожающий, т. е. перемалывающий пшеницу (λάτρις Δάματρος Anth.).