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αἰτήσεις ἀκοὐεις σῶν ἱκετῶν· ταχἐως συνδραμεῖς ἀναπαὐων εὐεργετῶν· ἰάματα παρἐχεις, Ἱερἀρχα, τῇ πρὀς Θεὀν παρρησἰᾳ κοσμοὐμενος → You hear the prayers of your suppliants; quickly you come to their assistance, bringing relief and benefits; you provide the remedies, Archbishop, since you are endowed with free access to God.

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Full diacritics: θαυμᾰτός Medium diacritics: θαυματός Low diacritics: θαυματός Capitals: ΘΑΥΜΑΤΟΣ
Transliteration A: thaumatós Transliteration B: thaumatos Transliteration C: thavmatos Beta Code: qaumato/s

English (LSJ)

ή, όν, poet. for θαυμαστός, Pi.O.1.28, P.10.30; esp. in Ep. phrase,

   A θ. ἔργα h.Merc.80, 440, h.Bacch.34, Hes.Sc.165. (θαυμτός fr. θαυμαίνω (θαυμṇ-yω) as ἀκήρατος fr. κηραίνω.)

German (Pape)

[Seite 1189] p. = θαυμαστός; H. h. Merc. 80. 440; Hes. Sc. 165; Pind. Ol. 1, 28 P. 10, 30.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

θαυμᾰτός: -ή, -όν, ποιητ. ἀντὶ θαυμαστὸς (ὡς τὸ ὀνοτὸς ἀντὶ ὀνοστός), Ὕμν. Ὁμ. εἰς Ἑρμ. 80, 440, εἰς Διόνυσον 34, Ἡσ. Ἔργ. κ. Ἡμ. 165, Πινδ. Ο. 1. 43, Π. 10. 49.