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τὸν καπνὸν φεύγων εἰς τὸ πῦρ ἐνέπεσεν → out of the frying pan into the fire, from the frying pan into the fire

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Full diacritics: θοῦρος Medium diacritics: θοῦρος Low diacritics: θούρος Capitals: ΘΟΥΡΟΣ
Transliteration A: thoûros Transliteration B: thouros Transliteration C: thoyros Beta Code: qou=ros

English (LSJ)

ον, (θρῴσκω)

   A rushing, impetuous, furious, Hom. (only in Il.), as epith. of Ares, 15.127,al. (of the planet Mars, Doroth. ap. Heph.Astr.1.1); Τυφών A.Pr.356, cf. Fr.199; δόρυ E.Rh.492; ἀνὴρ Γαλάτης Eleg.Alex.Adesp.2.14:—fem. θοῦρις, ῐδος, ἡ, epith. of ἀλκή, Od.4.527, Il.7.164, al.; θ. ἀσπίς, prob. the shield with which one rushes to the fight, 11.32; αἰγίς 15.308.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1215] (θορεῖν), anstürmend, anspringend; Ἄρης, der im Kriege auf den Feind muthig eindringt, Il 15, 127 u. öfter; Eur. Suppl. 579; Τυφών Aesch. Prom. 354; δόρυ Eur. Rhes. 492; Ap. Rh. 1, 466.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

θοῦρος: ὁ, (√ΘΟΡ, θρώσκω), ὁρμητικός, μαινόμενος, πολεμικός, Ὅμ. (ἀλλὰ μόνον ἐν Ἰλ.), ὡς ἐπίθετον τοῦ Ἄρεως, Ο. 127, κτλ.· Τυφὼν Αἰσχύλ. Πρ. 354, πρβλ. Ἀποσπ. 196· δόρυ Εὐρ. Ρήσ. 492· - θηλ. θοῦρις, ῐδος, ἡ, τὸ πλεῖστον ὡς ἐπίθετον τοῦ ἀλκή, Ὀδ. Δ. 527, καὶ συχν. ἐν Ἰλ.· ὡσαύτως θοῦρις ἀσπίς, πιθν. ἡ ἀσπίς, μεθ’ ἧς ὁρμᾷ τις εἰς τὴν μάχην, Ἰλ. Λ. 32, Υ. 162.