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ἔνδον γὰρ ἁνὴρ ἄρτι τυγχάνει, κάρα στάζων ἱδρῶτι καὶ χέρας ξιφοκτόνους → yes, the man is now inside, his face and hands that have slaughtered with the sword dripping with sweat

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Full diacritics: γευστέον Medium diacritics: γευστέον Low diacritics: γευστέον Capitals: ΓΕΥΣΤΕΟΝ
Transliteration A: geustéon Transliteration B: geusteon Transliteration C: gefsteon Beta Code: geuste/on

English (LSJ)

   A one must make to taste, τινὰ αἵματος Pl.R.537a.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

γευστέον: ῥημ. ἐπίθ. τοῦ γεύω, καὶ γεύομαι, τινά τινος Πλάτ. Πολιτ. 537A.

Spanish (DGE)

hay que hacer probar fig., c. gen. τοὺς παῖδας ... αἵματος e.d. sentir la violencia de la guerra, Pl.R.537a.