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ἑτέρως ἠδύνατο βέλτιον ἢ ὡς νῦν ἔχει κατεσκευάσθαι → otherwise they could have been constructed better than they are now (Galen, On the use of parts of the body 4.143.1 Kühn)

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Full diacritics: ἡδῠμέλεια Medium diacritics: ἡδυμέλεια Low diacritics: ηδυμέλεια Capitals: ΗΔΥΜΕΛΕΙΑ
Transliteration A: hēdyméleia Transliteration B: hēdymeleia Transliteration C: idymeleia Beta Code: h(dume/leia

English (LSJ)


   A sweetness of melody, Vett.Val.3.20 (pl.).

German (Pape)

[Seite 1153] ἡ, fem. zum Folgdn, σύριγξ Nonn. 29, 287.