From LSJ
τεκμαιρόμενοι προκατηγορίας οὐ προγεγενημένης → deducing from the fact that there was no previous accusation
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. τόπος περιβεβλημένος (Dem. 1077), P. and V. περίβολος, ὁ.
sacred enclosure: P. and V. τέμενος, τό, ἄλσος, τό (Plato), V. σηκός, ὁ, σήκωμα, τό.
here is the enclosure surrounding the Achaean ships: V. αἱδ' Ἀχαιῶν ναύλοχοι περιπτυχαί (Eur., Hecuba 1015).