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καὶ τὸ σιγᾶν πολλάκις ἐστὶ σοφώτατον ἀνθρώπῳ νοῆσαι → and silence is often the wisest thing for a man to heed, and often is man's best wisdom to be silent, and often keeping silent is the wisest thing for a man to heed


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

vectūra: ae, f. veho,
I a bearing, carrying, conveying, transportation by carriage or by ship; a riding, etc.
I Lit. (class.): equi idonei ad vecturam, Varr. R. R. 2, 7, 15: misimus qui pro vecturā solveret, for the transportation, Cic. Att. 1, 3, 2: mercium. Dig. 4, 9, 4: sine vecturae periculo. of transportation by sea, Cic. Fam. 2, 17, 4.— Plur.: remiges, arma, frumenta, vecturae imperabantur, transport, conveyance, Caes. B. C. 3, 32: vecturas frumenti finitimis civitatibus descripsit, id. ib. 3, 42: onerum, Gell. 5, 3, 1.—
II Transf., passage-money, freight-money, fare, freight, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 138; Sen. Ben. 6, 15, 4; Petr. 101, 5.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

vectūra,¹² æ, f. (veho), transport par terre ou par eau : Varro R. 2, 7, 15 ; Cic. Att. 1, 3, 2 ; Fam. 2, 17, 4 ; Cæs. C. 3, 32 ; Gell. 5, 3 || prix du transport : Pl. Most. 823 ; Sen. Ben. 6, 15, 4.