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ὑγίεια καὶ νοῦς ἀγαθὰ τῷ βίῳ δύο → health and brains are the two good things for life


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

thrŏnus: i, m., = θρόνος,>
I an elevated seat, a throne (syn. solium): Jovis, Plin. 35, 9, 36, § 63; Poët. ap. Suet. Aug. 70: dei, Prud. Hamart. 10 praef.; Auct. Pervig. Ven. 7: Thronos Caesaris, one of the constellations, Plin. 2, 70, 71, § 178.—
II An angelic order: sive throni, sive dominationes, Vulg. Col. 1, 16.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

thrŏnus,¹⁶ ī, m. (θρόνος), trône : Plin. 35, 63 || thronos Cæsaris Plin. 2, 178, trône de César [constellation, sans doute la Croix-du-Sud, observable dans l’Antiquité depuis Alexandrie, par exemple].