ἅπανθ' ὁ μακρὸς κἀναρίθμητος χρόνος φύει τ' ἄδηλα καὶ φανέντα κρύπτεται· κοὐκ ἔστ' ἄελπτον οὐδέν, ἀλλ' ἁλίσκεται χὠ δεινὸς ὅρκος χαἰ περισκελεῖς φρένες. → Long, unmeasurable Time brings to light everything unseen and hides what has been apparent. Nothing is beyond hope; even the fearsome oath and the most stubborn will is overcome. | All things long and countless time brings to birth in darkness and covers after they have been revealed! Nothing is beyond expectation; the dread oath and the unflinching purpose can be overcome.
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
irrĕvĕrentĭa: (inr-), ae, f. irreverens,
I want of due respect or reverence, irreverence, disrespect (post-Aug.): coalitam libertate irreverentiam prorupisse, Tac. A. 13, 26: juventutis, id. ib. 3, 31: adversus, fas nefasque, id. H. 3, 51: studiorum, inattention to, neglect, Plin. Ep. 6, 2, 5: irreverentia ipsius obturatio aurium, profanity, Vulg. Sir. 27, 15.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
irrĕvĕrentĭa,¹⁴ æ, f. (irreverens), manque de respect, licence, excès : Tac. Ann. 13, 26 || studiorum Plin. Min. Ep. 6, 2, 5, mépris des études.
Latin > German (Georges)
irreverentia, ae, f. (irreverens), die Unehrerbietigkeit, Unbescheidenheit gegen Höhere, der Mangel an Ehrfurcht, das unehrerbietige, unbescheidene, unverschämte Wesen, absol., Tac. ann. 13, 26: m. subj. Genet., iuventutis, Tac. ann. 3, 31: mulieris, Vulg. Sirach 25, 29: ipsius, ibid. 27, 15: oculorum eius, ibid. 26, 14: m. obj. Genet., studiorum periculorumque, Plin. ep. 6, 2, 5. – m. adversus u. Akk., adversus fas nefasque, Tac. hist. 3, 51.