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εἰ γάρ κεν καὶ σμικρὸν ἐπὶ σμικρῷ καταθεῖο καὶ θαμὰ τοῦτ᾽ ἔρδοις, τάχα κεν μέγα καὶ τὸ γένοιτο → for if you add only a little to a little and do this often, soon that little will become great (Hesiod W&D, 361-362)


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Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Indĭa: ae, f.,
I India, a country extending from the Indus to China, Cic. Tusc. 5, 27, 77 sq.; Cat. 43, 6; Verg. G. 1, 57 al.: citerior, India this side of the Ganges: ulterior, India beyond the Ganges, Plin. 6, 17, 21, § 57; Mela, 3, 7.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

Indĭa,¹⁰ æ, f., l’Inde : Cic. Tusc. 5, 77 ; Virg. G. 1, 57.

Latin > German (Georges)

India, -iacus, -iānus, s. Indi.