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Ὁ δὲ μὴ δυνάμενος κοινωνεῖν ἢ μηδὲν δεόμενος δι' αὐτάρκειαν οὐθὲν μέρος πόλεως, ὥστε θηρίον θεός → Whoever is incapable of associating, or has no need to because of self-sufficiency, is no part of a state; so he is either a beast or a god

Aristotle, Politics, 1253a25

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

mandrăgŏras: ae, m., = μανδραγόρας,
I a plant, mandrake: mandragoras illitus, Plin. 25, 13, 110, § 175; so id. 25, 13, 94, § 147; Col. 10, 20.

Latin > German (Georges)

mandragorās, ae, Akk. ān, m. (μανδραγόρας), Alraun, eine Pflanze (Atropa mandragora, L.), Plin. 25, 147 sqq. Cels. 5, 25, 3. Colum. poët. 10, 20: mandragorae radix, Cels. 6, 9. p. 246, 10 D.: mandragorae mala, Cels. 3, 18. p. 100, 25 D. u.a.: mandragorae suci, Cels. 6, 6, 1. p. 227, 6 D. Vgl. Schellers Übersetzung des Celsus, Bd. 1. S. 202.

Latin > English

mandragoras mandragorae N M :: mandrake; (plant used in medicine as soporic)