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οὗτος μὲν ὁ πιθανώτερος τῶν λόγων εἴρηται, δεῖ δὲ καὶ τὸν ἧσσον πιθανόν, ἐπεί γε δὴ λέγεται, ῥηθῆναι → this is the most credible of the stories told; but I must relate the less credible tale also, since they tell it


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

mītŭlus: and mȳtŭlus (mȳtĭlus), n, m., = μύτυλος,>
I a kind of mussel, seamussel, Plin. 9, 51, 74, § 160; 32, 9, 36, § 111; also, mutulus, Cato, R. R. 158; Hor. S. 2, 4, 28.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mītŭlus,¹⁵ ī, m. (cf. μύαξ, μυΐσκος), moule [coquillage] : Plin. 9, 132 ; Hor. S. 2, 4, 28 || mētŭlus *Apic. 9, 430 || mutŭlus *Cato Agr. 158, 1, ed. Ald.

Latin > German (Georges)

mītulus (mūtulus), ī, m. (μυτίλος, τελλίνη), eine eßbare Muschelart, die Miesmuschel (Mytilus, L.), Form mut., Cato r. r. 158, 1 Schn. (Keil hat mitulorum): Form mitulus, Plin. 9, 132 u. 160. Hor. sat. 2, 4, 28. Mart. 3, 60, 4. – / Nbf. mytilus, Anthol. Lat. 478, 5 R.

Latin > English

mitulus mituli N M :: edible mussel; shellfish mould (Cal)