ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν νῦν στῆθι καὶ ἄμπνυε → but you, stop now and catch your breath | but do thou now stand, and get thy breath
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
sŭper-fĕro: ferre, v. a.
I To carry over or beyond, to place or put over (postAug.): pedem parturienti, Plin. 28, 8, 27, § 103. — Pass., to go, ride, fly, swim, etc., over: pisces, Plin. 9, 16, 25, § 58; App. de Mundo fin.; Tert. Bapt. 4; Mart. Cap. 8, § 882. —
II To carry over or beyond the time: periclitari partus, si superferatur, Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 133. —
B To raise high, carry over the head: aurum, Plin. 33, 4, 25, § 84.—Hence, sŭperlātus, a, um, P. a., extravagant, excessive, exaggerated: verba (with translata), Cic. Part. Or. 15, 53; Quint. 8, 3, 43.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
sŭperfĕrō, tŭlī, lātum, ferre, tr.,
1 porter au-dessus : Plin. 28, 103 ; pass. superferri, être porté à la surface : Plin. 9, 58
2 dépasser, reculer, porter au-delà : Plin. 32, 133.
Latin > German (Georges)
super-fero, tulī, lātum, ferre, I) darübertragen, -führen, -bringen, -legen, sinistrum pedem (hyaenae) superlatum parturienti letalem esse, Plin.: est et ipsi (auro) superlato vis venefica, Plin. – superferri, darüberfliegen, -fahren, -laufen, -schwimmen usw., Plin., Apul. u.a. – II) über die Zeit hinaustragen, partum (die Leibesfrucht), Plin. 32, 133. – III) den höchsten Grad (Superlativ) bilden, si augere (den höheren Grad od. Komparativ bilden) volumus, dicamus magis mane, si superferre, maxime mane, Serg. expl. in Donat. 512, 35 K.
Latin > Chinese
superfero, ers, tuli, latum, ferre. :: 帶於上