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κούφα σοι χθὼν ἐπάνωθε πέσοι → may earth lie lightly on thee, may the earth rest lightly on you, may the ground be light to you, may the earth be light to you


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

woodhouse 443.jpg


P. and V. περισσός, ὑπέρπολυς, P. ὑπέρμετρος, ὑπέρογκος.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ĭnordĭnātē: and ĭnordĭnātim,
I advv., v. inordinatus fin.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ĭnōrdĭnātē, Cels. Med. 3, 3, et ĭnōrdĭnātim, Amm. 19, 7, 3, irrégulièrement, sans ordre.

Latin > German (Georges)

inōrdināte, Adv. (inordinatus) = ἀτάκτως (Gloss.), unordentlich, der Ordnung zuwider, agere, Cels. 4, 32 (25): redire, Cels. 3, 3: ambulare, Vulg. 2. Thess. 3, 6; außerdem Ps. Cypr. sing. cler. 2.