τὸ βέλτερον κακοῦ καὶ τὸ δίμοιρον αἰνῶ, καὶ δίκᾳ δίκας ἕπεσθαι, ξὺν εὐχαῖς ἐμαῖς, λυτηρίοις μηχαναῖς θεοῦ πάρα → I approve the better kind of evil, the two-thirds kind, and that, in accordance with my prayers, through contrivances bringing salvation at the god’s hand
-ωνος, ὁ• Alolema(s): Βάρων Them.Or.17.215b, 34.453lat. Varro, Varrón historiador y gramático latino (s. I a.C.), Plu.Rom.12, 16, Fab.14, 16, Them.ll.cc., Varro, I; cf. Οὐάρρων.