From LSJ
ἧς ἂν ἐπ' ἐλάχιστον ἀρετῆς πέρι ἢ ψόγου ἐν τοῖς ἄρσεσι κλέος ᾖ → of whom there is least talk either for praise or blame, of whom there is least notoriety among the men either for praise or blame
English (LSJ)
aor. inf. -αλθεσθῆναι, Pass.,
A heat up, of a wound or fracture, Hp.Art.14; also in the form συναλθάσσομαι, Id.Fract.9 (v.l. -αλθέεται).
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
συνάλθομαι: ἀόριστ. -αλθεσθῆναι, παθητ.· ― θεραπεύω, ἐπὶ τραύματος ἢ κατάγματος, Ἱππ. περὶ Ἄρθρ. 792· ὡσαύτως ἐν τῷ τύπῳ συναλθάσσομαι, ὁ αὐτ. περὶ Ἀγμ. 758.