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Revision as of 10:07, 21 July 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (CSV5)

ὡς αἰεὶ τὸν ὁμοῖον ἄγει θεὸς ὡς τὸν ὁμοῖον → how God ever brings like men together | birds of a feather flock together | how the god always leads like to like | as ever, god brings like and like together | as always the god brings like to like


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

woodhouse 920.jpg


Unfortunately: P. and V. κακῶς, δυστυχῶς. V. δυσπότμως, παγκάκως, P. ἀτυχῶς; see inauspiciously.

Sorrowfully: P. and V. ἀθλίως, οἰκτρῶς, V. τλημόνως.

In wretched plight: P. and V. κακῶς, P. πονηρῶς, μοχθηρῶς.

Dejectedly: P. ἀθύμως (Xen.), δυσθύμως (Plat.).

By some evil chance: P. and V. κακῇ τύχῃ.