From LSJ
αἰθὴρ δ᾽ ἐλαφραῖς πτερύγων ῥιπαῖς ὑποσυρίζει (Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 126) → The bright air fanned | whistles and shrills with rapid beat of wings.
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
Tent: P. and V. σκηνή, ἡ.
Taking the sacred hangings from the treasure-house, he made a canopy: V. λαβὼν ὑφάσμαθʼ ἱρὰ θησαυρῶν πάρα κατεσκίαζε (Eur., Ion, 1141).
Upon the roof he spreads a canopy of cloth: V. ὀρόφῳ πτέρυγα περιβάλλει πέπλων (Eur., Ion, 1143).