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ἄμεινον γὰρ ἑαυτῷ φυλάττειν τὴν ἐλευθερίαν τοῦ ἑτέρων ἀφαιρεῖσθαι → for it is better to guard one's own freedom than to deprive another of his

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Full diacritics: εἰλίονες Medium diacritics: εἰλίονες Low diacritics: ειλίονες Capitals: ΕΙΛΙΟΝΕΣ
Transliteration A: eilíones Transliteration B: eiliones Transliteration C: eiliones Beta Code: ei)li/ones

English (LSJ)

poet. pl., = A brothers-in-law, whose wives are sisters, Pollux 3.32. (Prob. metri gr. for Ελίονες, cf. ἀέλιοι, OIcel. svilar (same meaning), Skt. syālás 'wife's brother'?)

Spanish (DGE)

-ων, οἱ
cuñadosref. al parentesco entre dos varones cuyas mujeres son hermanas, Poll.3.32.
• Etimología: Prob. de ἐλίονες por alarg. métr.; cf. ἀέλιοι c. ἀ- copulativa y αἴλιοι c. graf. itacista; ἐλίονες se rel. c. aisl. svilar ‘concuñados’, ‘cuyas esposas son hermanas’, ambos deriv. del tema pron. *su̯e-, cf. οὗ, ὅς, etc., c. alarg. -l-.

Frisk Etymological English

See also: s. ἀέλιοι.

Frisk Etymology German

εἰλίονες: {eilíones}
See also: s. ἀέλιοι.
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