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ἐν πιθήκοις ὄντα δεῖ εἶναι πίθηκον → in Rome we do as the Romans do | when in Rome, do as the Romans do | when in Rome, do as the Romans | when in Rome, do like the Romans do | when in Rome | being among monkeys one has to be a monkey


Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἀνακινητικός: -ή, -όν, ὁ ἀνακινῶν, ὁ προξενῶν ἀνακίνησιν, Διον. Ἀρεοπ. σ. 115.

Spanish (DGE)

-ή, -όν
que excita, que muevede las potencias de los serafines, Dion.Ar.EH M.3.481C.