From LSJ
ὑπακούσατε δεξάμεναι θυσίαν καὶ τοῖς ἱεροῖσι χαρεῖσαι → accept my sacrifice and enjoy these holy rites | hearken to our prayer, and receive the sacrifice, and be propitious to the sacred rites | hear my call, accept my sacrifice, and then rejoice in this holy offering I make
English (LSJ)
A = ἀντισηκόω, Incert.Jb.28.19.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἀντισταθμίζω: ἀντισηκόω, Ψευδ. Ἀθαν. IV, 1001Α.
Spanish (DGE)
equilibrar, contrapesar Al.Ib.28.19 (ap. crít.)
•en v. med. compararse con οὐκ ἔστιν ... γονεῦσιν ἀντισταθμιζόμενον κτῆμα no hay bien que pueda compararse con los padres Tim.Ant.Caec.M.28.1001A.