Μέμνησο νέος ὤν, ὡς γέρων ἔσῃ ποτέ → Iuvenis memento te fore aliquando senem → Bedenke jung schon, dass dereinst ein Greis du bist
French (Bailly abrégé)
ιδος (ἡ) :
Alceste, femme d'Admète.
Étymologie: ἀλκή.
English (Autenrieth)
(root αλκ, she averted death from her husband by dying for him, but this legend is not mentioned by Homer): Alcestis, daughter of Pelias, wife of Admetus of Pherae, and mother of Eumelus, Il. 2.715.
Spanish (DGE)
-ιδος, ἡ
• Morfología: [ac. Ἄλκηστιν E.Alc.842, 854]
Alcestis hija de Pelias y esposa de Admeto Il.2.715, Hes.Fr.37.20, E.Alc.ll.cc., 52, 1062, Pl.Smp.179b, 208d
•tít. de tragedias y comedias: de Eurípides, Eratosth.Cat.29, Frínico, Sud.s.u. Φρύνιχος, Antífanes, Ath.122d.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
Ἄλκηστις: ιδος ἡ Алкестида (дочь Пелия, жена Адмета, мать Немела) Hom., Eur., Plat.
Wikipedia EN
Alcestis (/ælˈsɛstɪs/; Ancient Greek: Ἄλκηστις, Álkēstis) or Alceste, was a princess in Greek mythology, known for her love of her husband. Her life story was told by pseudo-Apollodorus in his Bibliotheca, and a version of her death and return from the dead was also popularized in Euripides's tragedy Alcestis.
Alcestis (/ælˈsɛstɪs/; Greek: Ἄλκηστις, Alkēstis) is an Athenian tragedy by the ancient Greek playwright Euripides. It was first produced at the City Dionysia festival in 438 BC. Euripides presented it as the final part of a tetralogy of unconnected plays in the competition of tragedies, for which he won second prize; this arrangement was exceptional, as the fourth part was normally a satyr play. Its ambiguous, tragicomic tone—which may be "cheerfully romantic" or "bitterly ironic"—has earned it the label of a "problem play." Alcestis is, possibly excepting the Rhesus, the oldest surviving work by Euripides, although at the time of its first performance he had been producing plays for 17 years.
bn: আলসেস্টিস; ca: Alcestis; cs: Alkéstis; de: Alkestis; el: Άλκηστις; en: Alcestis; eo: Alkesto; es: Alcestis; et: Alkestis; fa: آلکستیس; fi: Alkestis; fr: Alceste; gl: Alcestes; hu: Alkésztisz; is: Alkestis; it: Alcesti; ja: アルケースティス; ka: ალკესტიდა; ko: 알케스티스; la: Alcestis; lt: Alkestidė; nl: Alkestis; pl: Alkestis; pt: Alceste; ru: Алкестида; sk: Alkéstis; sl: Alkestis; sr: Алкеста; sv: Alkestis; ta: அல்செஸ்டிஸ்; tr: Alkestis; uk: Алкеста; zh: 阿尔克斯提斯