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Θεράπευε τὸν δυνάμενον, ἄνπερ νοῦν ἔχῃς (αἰεί σ' ὠφελεῖν) → Si mens est tibi, coles potentes qui sient → Dem Mächtigen sei zu Willen, bist du bei Verstand (Sei immer dem zu Willen, der dir nützen kann)

Menander, Monostichoi, 244

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

mŏnēdŭla: ae, f.,
I a jackdaw, daw, Corvus monedula, Linn.: examina graculorum monedularum, cui soli avi furacitas auri argentique praecipue mira est, Plin. 10, 29, 41, § 77; 17, 14, 22, § 99. Acc. to the myth, the nymph Arne was turned into a daw, for having betrayed her country for gold, Ov. M. 7, 465 sq.—Prov.: non plus aurum tibi quam monedulae committebant, Cic. Fl. 31, 76.—As a term of endearment, Plaut. As. 3, 3, 103; cf. id. Capt. 5, 4, 5.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mŏnēdŭla,¹⁴ æ, f., choucas [oiseau] : Cic. Fl. 76 ; Plin. 10, 77 || terme de caresse : Pl. Capt. 1002.

Latin > German (Georges)

monēdula, ae, f., die Dohle (Corvus monedula, L.), Plin. 10, 77 u. 17, 99. Ov. met. 7, 468. – sprichw., non plus aurum alci quam monedulae committere, Cic. Flacc. 76. – als Liebkosungswort, Plaut. asin. 694. – / arch. Nbf. monerula, Plaut. asin. 694; capt. 1002; aber truc. 501 Sch. ganz unsicher.

Latin > English

monedula monedulae N F :: jackdaw